

Masters of agriculture and forestry show great interest in the EWS Sonnenfeld®

11.06.2024: This year's Burgenland Master Craftsmen's Day took place on 5 June in the Rittersteuersaal at the Eisenstadt Chamber of Agriculture. EWS was invited to give a presentation on the topic of "Agri-Photovoltaics - food and electricity from EWS Sonnenfeld®" and thus show a forward-looking perspective on the dual use of good agricultural soils. The masters of their trade showed great interest.

ARGE Meister Burgenland
f.l.t.r.: Ing. Roland Wittner, DI Verena Bernardi, chairwoman Judith Weikovich, managing director Astrid Hennerfeind, BScFoto: ARGE Meister Burgenland

The Association of Master Craftsmen and Women in Agriculture and Forestry in Burgenland is based at the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture in Eisenstadt and is currently an association of 827 master craftsmen and women. Its aim is further training and the exchange of experience and knowledge.

In keeping with this, EWS was invited to give a presentation on agri-photovoltaics and the EWS Sonnenfeld® concept developed by us for the dual use of good soils for grassland and arable farming as part of the Master Craftsmen's Day on 5 June 2024. The President of the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture Nikolaus Berlakovich and Chamber Director Martin Burjan were also present at this year's General Assembly, as were the provincial board and the district representatives.

Which farmer wouldn't say yes to agri-PV?

EWS Agri-PV expert and project developer DI Verena Bernardi is well versed in everything from system planning and authorisation to implementation and operation. She has enlisted the support of organic farmer Roland Wittner for questions on plant cultivation and agricultural technology. He is responsible for poppy cultivation at the EWS Sonnenfeld research and pilot plant in Bruck/Leitha, which was set up in autumn 2022 together with the Energiepark Bruck/Leitha and with the support of the Climate and Energy Fund, and can report on the practical experience and answer questions on behalf of all the farmers cultivating on the Sonnenfeld.

Verena Bernardi: "There was really a lot of interest. The questions ranged from topics relating to the requirements for an EWS Sonnenfeld® such as plot size, cultivation width and zoning to profitability and electricity sales. The question - which farmer would even say no to this - shows us that farmers are keen to find future-proof concepts for agriculture and are also willing to implement innovative projects on their fields. As we know, weather extremes as a result of climate change are already hitting agriculture particularly hard today and the challenges will only increase. Diversifying income, for example by selling solar power, is an important issue for farmers."

Quote from Roland Wittner: "The practical results from the first year of cultivation in 2023 show that the crop yields are relatively high and the quality is also good.Cultivation worked smoothly with all agricultural equipment and using GPS.At the same time, we were able to reassure the farmers that there were no problems whatsoever."

Thank you very much for the invitation!

If you have any questions or specific project ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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