

The combination of photovoltaics and photosynthesis is a top priority in the EU.

08.05.2024: Agri-PV is considered an essential building block for solar expansion. As a dual land use concept, agrivoltaics is becoming increasingly important. Around 750 gigawatts (GW) of solar energy are to be installed across the EU by 2030. Project developers and investors are calling for standardised legislation at EU country level in order to exploit the full potential of agrivoltaics.

[Translate to English:] EWS Sonnenfeld, Strom und Lebensmittel ab Hof, duale Landnutzung

"As an Agri-PV project developer, and with our subsidiary EWS EPC GmbH also as a general contractor for Agri-PV systems, we are very optimistic about the global roll-out of Agri-PV systems. It is simply a great opportunity to drive forward the necessary solar expansion in an environmentally friendly, rapid and cost-effective manner," says Joachim Payr from EWS Consulting.

The EWS team is not only a pioneer in the field of agri-PV and has already been driving a stake in the ground for several years with the development of the EWS Sonnenfeld® in Austria. Two specific systems have already been in operation for almost 2 years.

"The demand is enormous. We are constantly strengthening our team and are happy to welcome motivated new members," says Joachim Payr confidently.

Agri-PV as a top topic at Intersolar Europe

Europe's largest trade fair alliance for the energy industry, Intersolar Europe in Munich, will also be focussing on the topic of agri-PV in 2024. The synergies of dual land use are obvious:

  • Combining solar energy and agriculture
  • Additional benefits for agricultural businesses
  • lower electricity production costs (compared to small PV roof systems)
  • diversifies agricultural income
  • Shading and wind protection lead to less evaporation
  • Increases resilience of farms to crop failures

EWS offers electricity & food from the farm

Joachim Payr on the principle and guiding principle of the municipal EWS Sonnenfeld®: "We take a holistic view of our Sonnenfeld projects and develop our projects together with municipalities, citizens, agricultural businesses, landowners and researchers. It is very important to us that the added value remains local. In the best-case scenario, the regional population benefits directly from a citizen participation model in the municipal solar field and is proud to be part of its own climate protection project."

We are convinced that smart solutions, good sustainable planning and fair cooperation are the best way to achieve climate targets.

Here you can see what we are doing in the field of solar energy:

EWS will also be a guest at Intersolar Europe 2024. On Tuesday, 18 June 2024 from 16:30-18:00 there will be presentations on the topic of "Agri-PV: How the great potential for solar power in agriculture can be exploited".

Here is the link to the Agri-PV conference programme and all further information: www.intersolar.de/konferenzprogramm/agri-pv.

Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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