

10 years wind farm Munderfing

28.06.2024: An EWS Sonnenfeld for the Pope?

[Translate to English:] Ein EWS Sonnenfeld für den Vatikan
[Translate to English:] Foto: pixabay[Translate to English:]

"Yes, we would like that," smiles Ernst Steiner from EWS EPC, "but unfortunately someone else got the contract. But you can see that the Vatican is also endeavouring to do its bit against global warming and is also focusing on agrivoltaics."

Back in 2015, the Pope stated in the environmental and social encyclical "Laudato si" that the Church bears responsibility for climate protection. For example, lifestyles, production and consumption patterns should be changed in order to counteract climate change.

By joining the UN Climate Convention, the Vatican is obliged to contribute to climate-neutral development and has now set itself the goal of converting the entire Vatican to solar energy.

With the "Fratello Sole" decree, the Pope recently decreed that an Agri-PV plant is to be built on a 424-hectare area in the north-west of Rome on an extraterritorial Vatican site.

We would be happy to carry out an land check for an EWS Sonnenfeld® if required ;-)

Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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